terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010


SPACE – 270 m2,
APROXIMITY - 5km, to the Beach, and 15 Km to Lisbon
In April of 2009, Homeblown looks for a space, after looking over 10 spaces, in less than 1 month we sign the contract with the Landlaw, 270 m2, Industrial Space, 5 Km to Costa da Caparica and 15 KM to Lisbon. (Know the Planning of the factory starts).


 After a lot of work and conclusion, Homeblown Staff design a first layout for the new factory, regarding Machines, spaces around the factory.

The second layout, more important is the display of ELECTRICAL, WATER, AND AIR POINTS.
Everything is revised 3 to 4 times, and discussed about all the planning’s of the factory.
3 weeks later, the project is approved and now we are ready to start to put the factory UP.


Thanks to Homeblown UK staff, Jonathan, Badger, Mister Oscar (WILDER), Joaquin Lino (Electrical Man) and the construction mans, we get thinks running, each man knows exactly what to do.

After 2 months, of hard working, including Saturdays and Sunday, finally the hard work in the factory is done.
Now we are ready to make the first test and project the first Surf Blanks.

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010


fig4 blue foam
fig3 white foam
One very consistent comment that we get from our customers is the seeming lack of deck delaminating in surfboards made from our blanks. This, we believe, is due to the more progressive fail characteristics of our foam, whereas our competitors tend to fail catastrophically when overstressed. Tests show that not only does Homeblown foam fail later, but it maintains its strength and does not suffer catastrophic cell failure indicated by the down curves shown on the imports.

A few years ago, you would say that MDI is not a solution for surfboard foam, today the reality is different, with the introduction of UV Inhibitor, and a extra MIX developed by Homeblown, we produce and keep our blanks whiter than any surf blank manufacture.

quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010


From inception we decided we would endeavour to develop a foam system that was based on MDI (methylene di-phenyl di-isocyanate) rather than TDI (toluene di-isocyanate). This decision was based on the world’s increasing concern regarding both the short and long term health hazards of isocyanates in general, and TDI in particular.
MDI is by far the least hazardous of the commonly available isocyanates, since its vapour pressure (which is an indication of how easily it evaporates) is some 2500 times less than that of TDI at ambient temperatures. This fact makes handling, storage and utilization of the chemical much safer and thereby much easier especially regarding unforeseen occurrences, such as accidental spillages
By using MDI, we are confident that we are much less likely to cause health problems either to ourselves or to people in the immediate neighbourhood

The main disadvantage of MDI is that it is considerably more expensive than TDI adding around 50% to our raw material costs so making us less profitable. This we feel is a small price to pay for a clear conscience
We hope that our customers will feel the same.
fig2 blowing


Localized in Portugal, Charneca da Caparica, with a team of 3  Hand-workers, 1 account, and 1 sales Manager, and 1 Business Manager we try to assure in each sale, more than a sale of a surfblank, each Cliente can a should be involved in the Homeblown Project, we say that if the surf Industry grows, we also grow.
Opened doors in 1 of Setember of 2010, the factory works every day to give a better and cheaper product to the market.
From Monday to Friday, from 9:00 o´clock to 13:00 and in the afternoon from 15:00 to 19:00, if you are interested working with Homeblown Surfblanks, give us a call.
Homeblown Office: +351 212 977 022
Homeblown Sales Manager: + 351 91 4142233

fig.1 Homeblown Europe Surf Factory


Homeblown Surfblanks embrace technology and apply it to all the blank making processes; from CNC foam pouring to precision stringer cutting and clueing presses that give straight stringers time after time.
Recent chemical engineering has borne fruit. Our cell size has reduced to the point where our foam is indistinguishable from the finest of our competitors when studied under a microscope.
 Added to that the strength to weight ratio has improved even more so our blanks are now 10% lighter whilst remaining 15-25% stronger in compression than any other we have had the opportunity to test.
We have in-house engineering and we design and build our own equipment.