quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010


From inception we decided we would endeavour to develop a foam system that was based on MDI (methylene di-phenyl di-isocyanate) rather than TDI (toluene di-isocyanate). This decision was based on the world’s increasing concern regarding both the short and long term health hazards of isocyanates in general, and TDI in particular.
MDI is by far the least hazardous of the commonly available isocyanates, since its vapour pressure (which is an indication of how easily it evaporates) is some 2500 times less than that of TDI at ambient temperatures. This fact makes handling, storage and utilization of the chemical much safer and thereby much easier especially regarding unforeseen occurrences, such as accidental spillages
By using MDI, we are confident that we are much less likely to cause health problems either to ourselves or to people in the immediate neighbourhood

The main disadvantage of MDI is that it is considerably more expensive than TDI adding around 50% to our raw material costs so making us less profitable. This we feel is a small price to pay for a clear conscience
We hope that our customers will feel the same.
fig2 blowing

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